Wednesday, September 28, 2011


We were able to spend last weekend in Savannah taking some time to relax and have a mini-vacation before I started the craziness of third shift.  While in Savannah we also had the realization that it won't be long until we are taking vacations as a family of three!  I have still been feeling good, I go back to the doctor in about a week and a half for a four-week checkup.  Each week that passes makes it a little more real and more exciting.  I can hardly wait the six weeks till we find out what we're having!

While in Savannah I did take a sideways picture to show off the little bump.  Ok, it looks more like I had too much steak or brownies or something, but it's getting there.
13 1/2 weeks along, and little peanut is about the size of a peach.  Or according to Drew's Caveman Pregnancy book about the size of a gulf club head or baseball.  Even though I really haven't begun to show at all, I think I will need to start updating the wardrobe, work clothes are starting to feel a little tight.  Can't wait until it's clear that I'm pregnant and not just putting on weight!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

12/13 Weeks

Sunday is my reference day to how far along I am in my pregnancy.  So I am right at 12 1/2 weeks along.  My plan is to update this about once a week, more so for me to be able to look back on then necessarily creating a great following of me being preggers.

So far I have been very blessed/fortunate.  I have been feeling pretty great, no morning sickness, just exhaustion and frequent trips to the bathroom.  I know many of my friends haven't been so lucky, so I definitely count my blessings.  Of course, everyone you talk to, no morning sickness means something...I've had just about equal ladies come up and tell me it's sign I'm having a boy as it is I'm having a girl.  Definitely having a baby, so we'll just wait until November when the doc gives the official word before we start painting the nursery blue or pink!  No real food aversions or cravings.  I did crave chocolate milk a couple of weeks ago, and for someone who probably hasn't had a glass of milk in 16+ years, that is definitely the baby!!

Other pregnancy's been really great to be able to tell friends and people at the church the exciting news.  It's also been especially great to converse with my pregnant friends-swap stories and glean advise.  And the excitement of one of my best friends growing up, Ansley, having her little girl Monday made everything that much more real.  Like, oh my goodness, in 6 months, that's going to be me!!  Just the thought when I was holding little Emily made my heart swell.  The youth knowing has also made it special, the older girls I think are the most excited.  Most of them I have been working with in youth for 5 or 6 years!

Not much else pregnancy related.  Just getting adjusted to the  new job and slowly starting to clean the house and prepare for the baby.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Preggers - Finding out

It's facebook official so it must be true!  Drew and I are expecting our first baby April 1, give or take a couple of weeks.  Since I've had to be tight lipped for about a month and half, I figured I would write down the details of us finding out about the pregnancy, then I will try to keep regular updates about pregnancy and pregnancy related topics until I can turn this into a baby update blog.  I'll probably throw unrelated happenings in as well just to mix it up.

We officially found out via the good ole home pregnancy test on Wednesday July 27th.  The Sunday before I had a strong gut feeling that I was pregnant, but Drew refused to let me take the test.  Everyone is a day late every now and then he said.  By Monday morning I would say I was 95% positive I was pregnant, and by Tuesday I had raised that up to 99%.  So early (4 am) Wednesday morning I took the test and almost instantaneously it read pregnant.  I withheld from waking Drew up - wanted to tell wide-awake Drew not him half-asleep.  So I made it through eight hours at work, stopped by the bookstore on the way home and picked up a copy of Caveman's Guide to Pregnancy.

When I got home Drew was in the yard with the dogs.  I hid the book and test behind my back, made my way outside and gave him the best surprise.  He was excited.  I was excited.  We were excited.  Still excited. Then we kept our mouths shut until the weekend when we told our parents.  Who were excited.  Seems to be a theme...
Then we waited the longest month and a half of my life to spread the news to everyone else.  We heard the heart beat for the first time on Monday September 12th, then called a select group of friends, we still wanted it to be a surprise on Wednesday night when we announced it to the youth, and then finally made it facebook official.

It has been amazing to finally be able to talk about my pregnancy with family and friends in the open...especially since several of my friends are expecting as well.  By next April there will be a lot of little ones crawling around the church - which is awesome!

This pregnancy adventure has been amazing thus far, and I can't wait until the baby adventure begins!