Monday, February 27, 2012

35 weeks!!

5 weeks to go!!  Cannot believe we are so close to meeting little Sawyer!  The pregnancy books/websites recommend packing at 35 weeks, so we must be getting close!

Our nursery furniture came in last weekend, so my dad and Drew have been working on putting it together and getting it arranged in the room.  So far, we have the dresser up, and I worked this past week on washing clothes to put away.  I know it will be a chore to do in a month or so, but right now it is fun to wash the itty bitty clothes and get everything put away.  Tomorrow night they are tackling the crib.  Unfortunately the changing table had some gauges in it, so we have to return it and wait for a replacement.

On the pregnancy front, I think I have hit the wall.  Up until about a week ago I was feeling pretty great.  No real complaints, just ready to have Sawyer in my arms.  This past week I have felt absolutely drained, like when I had mono a few years ago.  It doesn't seem to matter how much sleep I get, I am still exhausted.  I have also developed some serious heartburn.  It doesn't really seem to matter what I eat, I can feel the heartburn start creeping up my chest a few times a day.  Hopefully it means Sawyer comes out with some hair on his head!

Last, but not least, here are some pictures:

Sunday, February 12, 2012

33 Weeks!

Under 50 days to go!  Cannot believe how close we are to meeting little Sawyer!

The last week or so has really flown by.  Thursday a week ago we went in for a doctor's appointment and our last ultrasound.  It's only the second one that we've done at the doctor, and it was the regular ultrasound, not the 3D, but we still got a great look at Sawyer.  Unfortunately though he had the hiccups the whole time so all the pictures of his sweet face he's pouting.  Still cute though.  Can't wait to see that precious face in person though!

Last Monday the church staff threw Drew and me a baby shower lunch.  It was super nice of them, and it was the first shower I've had.  We received some cute outfits and much needed baby supplies (ie diaper pail).  Also got a lot of advice.

On Sunday, I was thrown a shower at the church my the moms of the friends I grew up with.  Friends I've had at DBC since I was in first grade!  20 years, and now most of us are married and having babies, crazy!  It was a super cute jungle theme and a lot of of people from church were able to come.  Even my aunt from Connecticut happened to be in town and was able to make it.  It was such a blessing to have so many caring people think of me as I prepare to have a baby.  Sawyer will definitely be spoiled!  :)

While I am still feeling pretty great, I am starting to get to the uncomfortable stage of pregnancy.  Finding a comfortable position to sleep, or sometimes even sit is getting difficult.  Sawyer has turned head down for the most part...his head seems to rest on my hip, and his feet up in my rib cage.  If I am able to stretch out my torso it's not too bad, but sitting for long periods of times seems to scrunch everything up.  Oh well, since the rest of my pregnancy has been pretty easy, I can't complain too much!  And the prize at the end of it is a great one!

Here is an updated bump shot, and some pictures from the ultrasound:

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Cannot believe that it is February already!  Which means 2 months until Sawyer makes his arrival!  Whoa!

The last week or so has been especially crazy.  Last week I think I had something every single day.  Which is nice, but I needed a day where  I could just sleep after work without having to worry about setting an alarm to get up and go.

Pregnancy is still going great, tired a lot, but other then that no complaints.  Went to a prenatal chiropractor yesterday because I have been experiencing some lower back/hip pain as my body continues to prepare for birth.  She came to our childbirth class and offered a free assessment, and I figured why not.  I go back next week to get the results of the assessment and see what she says.  Drew has raved about going to see a chiropractor since we met, and other women I've talked to who went while preggers have nothing but great things to say.  So, we'll see.

Tomorrow we have a doctors appointment and our second/last ultrasound.  It will be interesting to see how big Sawyer's gotten and what all the doctor has to say.  Love getting to hear the heartbeat, and am excited to get one more little peak before he gets here.

Monday, the staff at church threw a little baby shower/lunch for Drew and I.  My parents were able to come too, and it was a nice time.  Drew and I got some super cute/needed baby supplies, and now the nursery has become the baby stuff storage unit.  Haha.  Definitely need to get some furniture so we can get it set up and ready!  I keep telling myself I have time, but I really want to go get a crib and dresser so everything is just how I want it.

Finally, my good friend Amber had her baby, two weeks ago today!  Jackson is one stinkin cute little fella.  And he and Sawyer will be besties, it's decided.