Wednesday, April 11, 2012

One Month Reflections

The last month has been amazing, and absolutely tiring!  My goal was to give weekly updates, but maybe that will happen in the future.  Sawyer is awesome!  Being a mom is awesome!

He is pretty laid back, easily soothed by cuddles and holding him close to your heart.
He loves to be swaddled and the woombie is my new friend.
Sawyer left the hospital at 4 lbs 2 oz, and although he hasn't been weighed by a doctor in a couple of weeks, he is a little over 6 lbs by our house method of Drew weighing himself then weighing himself while holding Sawyer.
Still eating every 2 hours, but over the past week we have transitioned from finger feeding to a bottle!  Success!
He also has bulked up enough to be out of preemie clothes, and into newborns!
He is slowly starting to give smiles in response our efforts, can't wait till they don't require so much effort!  Sawyer tracks things well, and is starting to give lots of eye contact.
He enjoys tummy time, and if you provide a hand for him to push off of, he will army crawl/scoot the length of a blanket.

Can't wait to see what the next month brings!