Monday, February 11, 2013

Stand up!

First off, can I just have a moment? My baby boy turns ONE next month. One year old. And he's already so much not a baby anymore. Of course he's my baby. When I rock him to sleep, and he curls up close to me. But when he's shoveling food on his mouth, pulling up on everything, and crawling like a mad man...more and more toddler showing through.

But over the last month his biggest accomplishment has been standing. He is now confident enough to pull up on anything and everything. Then look over his shoulder to grin at me - so proud of himself. And slowly starting to cruise. And attempt to climb. Yea, you read that right, climb. Because he is my child after all. Saturday morning he dumped his toy basket off the second shelf of cubes in his room, then tried to climb into the cube. As in nothing is safe. He will figure out climbing. I know he will. I just hope he figures out walking first. I think.

Let the adventures begin!!