Wednesday, November 28, 2012


It's almost winter, so I should probably recap fall with our sweet boy before the seasons change. I can't believe in a couple of weeks I'll have 9 month old on my hands. Any minute he's going to start crawling and getting into everything. He's getting so big! And still the most precious baby boy :).

So here's what you've missed:

- Halloween! Sawyer was an adorable astronaut. We went to the fall festival and trick or treating. He did well, but I can't wait until next year when he can actually walk up and say "trick or treat".

- Sitting! Finally we have a sitter. Drew thought Sawyer would never sit, but within the last couple of weeks Sawyer proved him wrong. And with in the last week Sawyer figured out how to sit up on his own. He's so proud of himself every time he goes from lying on his stomach to sitting up.

- Eating! Slowly we are moving on from baby foods to "real food". Sure he's still eating baby food, but Sawyer is starting to master the whole chewing process. Green beans, bread, baked potato, cereal, small pieces of chicken...dinner time is becoming more and more fun!

- Thanksgiving! Sawyer made us his first art project of a foot/handprint turkey. So cute! It also gave me time to think about all I'm thankful for. We are so blessed with Sawyer. Even being born early and tiny, he has been healthy since day 1. Sure we've battled ear infections, but nothing compared to what I know others have gone through. He is such a happy easy going baby. Rarely does he cry, and when he does he's quickly soothed. Sawyer's smiles and laughs are infectious and can brighten any day. I'm totally smitten with my baby and can't wait to see what joy he continues to bring us.

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